Archibus Smart Client

Archibus Smart Client Overview

The Archibus Smart Client program enables your backoffice workstations inside the CRE/FM department to connect directly to the same application servers, database servers, and secured projects as Archibus Web Central. With his integration, you can collaborate effectively through one shared operating picture of your entire enterprise infrastructure.

Smart Client is available for Archibus SaaS deployments , as well as Archibus full software deployments . In Archibus SaaS deployments, the Smart Client and the Smart Client Extensions for Revit and AutoCAD are installed locally and users work with drawings and data that is stored on the Cloud.

The Smart Client programs include:

Program Description
Smart Client This Windows-based program includes grid views for bulk data updates and analysis, as well as Web Central views that can include enterprise graphics, drill-down selection lists, smart search consoles, and other elements. Web views are shown in an embedded browser window.
Smart Client Extension for AutoCAD

Provides tools for editing CAD drawings and publishing of enterprise graphics.

Resides on top of the full AutoCAD program and uses Web Services to sign into and connect to the Archibus server application. Once connected, you can edit asset symbols and update their associated Archibus data without leaving AutoCAD.

Smart Client Extension for Revit

Provides tools for editing Building Information Model (BIM) and publishing of enterprise graphics.

Resides on top of the full Revit program and includes a Revit Ribbon menu with commands that use Web Services to immediately connect your Revit model to your Archibus enterprise database.

Smart Client

The Smart Client provides tools for working with your data in grids, while also providing access to Web views.


Using the Smart Client, you can:

Task Description Help Topic
Create and edit database records The Smart Client environment provides an efficient way to access your database tables for editing using grid views . Working with Data in Grids: Basic Skills
Access a database table with all of its fields and records By creating a new grid view , you can load any table in the Archibus schema and see all of its fields and records. Access Any Database Table by Creating a New View
Perform bulk data updates The grid views accessed from the Smart Client include interactive tools to bulk edit your data, such as the ability to replace an entire column with a value or an SQL expression, or to paste a row of copied data into multiple rows.

Copying and Pasting Grid Data

Replacing Column Values .

Review and analyze data using interactive features Reorder your fields using drag-and-drop field reordering, and easily sort your data.

Reordering and Hiding Columns

Customizing Views: Overview

Filter inventory tables Use an auto-Filter row, Filter icon menu options, or a Filter Editor. These features enable you to create simple or complex filters Customizing Views: Overview
Compare and analyze data Create one-dimensional or two-dimensional analysis views, or compare data, for example, by comparing the Smart Client production view of the data alongside the CAD view of the data. Comparing Data Creating Analysis Views
Transfer your data Import and export your data between projects, or to import updates made in Excel into your production data Data Transfer: Overview
Export data to Excel For smaller amounts of data that you want to work with in Excel, from some views, you can export the data in the view to Excel format (XLS) by clicking the XLS action button. Exporting Data to Excel
Generate paginated reports From any grid view, you can generate a paginated report that is output to a Word DOCX file. Working with Paginated Reports
Manage your CAD drawings. Managing the CAD and Revit environment, and publish drawings and models for use in Web Central. CAD and BIM Manager Overview
Use CAD processes to develop your inventory The Smart Client Navigator includes drawing tasks for CAD Specialists. From here, you can launch your drawing tool. Getting Started with the Smart Client Extension for AutoCAD
Launch Web Central from the Smart Client You may want to view your data in Smart Client, along with its presentation in Web Central. Launching Web Central
Access Web Central views Without launching Web Central, you can load some Web Central views directly in the Smart Client's Details pane. The Smart Client Navigator presents Web Central views that you may find handy when working in Smart Client.

Loading Tasks from the Navigator

Using the Navigator

Smart Client Extensions for AutoCAD and Revit

The Smart Client Extensions for AutoCAD and Revit provide a full set of CAD and Building Information Modeling (BIM) features. The run-anywhere architecture enables you to readily connect your drawings and rich information models to your enterprise systems where the data is used.

For information, see: