Calendar Control
Calendar Control
This topic explains the HTML5 calendar control. Examples of the HTML5 calendar control can be found at:
- Capital Projects / Projects / Monitor / View Projects Calendar
- Sustainability & Risk / Energy / Accounting Supervisor / View Bill Calendar
The topic contains these sections:
Overview contains these sections:
Main Controls and Indicators
Calendar uses these controls and indicators:
- Date navigator: displayed on top left of calendar control. Used to navigate between days, weeks, or months.
- View switcher: displayed on top right of calendar control. Default layout uses tabs, but can be changed to drop-down list.
- All day panel: used to display all day events.
- Timetable: cusotmizable time scale. Visible in day and week views.
- Current time indicator: marker that highlights the current time. Is available only in views containing the time scale.
- Current date indicator: marker that highlights the current date.
- Appointment collector: displayed as button with three dots label in the image below. When number of appointments exceeds the limit set by maxAppointmentPerCell option, appointments are sent to an appointment collector.
Scheduler Control
File: schema/ab-core/controls/calendar/ab-htmlcalendar-scheduler-control.js
Control name: HTMLSchedulerControl
Scheduler Control contains these sections:
Panel Type (.axvw)
Initialize scheduler control from JavaScript using an html panel:
<panel type="html" id="projectsCalendar"> <title>Projects Calendar</title> <html> <div id="projectsCalendarContainer" style="width:100%; height:100%;"> </div> </html> </panel>
Name | Description |
config |
The configuration object |
dxSchedulerControl |
The dxSceduler control instance |
dataSourceId |
Panel dataSource id |
dataSource |
Data source object |
restriction |
Panel restriction |
currentDate |
Current date of view |
startDate |
Start date of view |
endDate |
End date of the view |
views |
Array with available scheduler views. Enum values: - day - week - workWeek - month - timelineDay - timelineWeek - timelineWorkWeek - timelineMonth - agenda |
currentView |
The current displayed view |
useDropDownViewSwitcher |
Boolean. Specifies whether view switcher uses tabs or drop-down menu. |
pkeyExpr |
The data field that provides appointment primary key. When is composite primary key, is an array with field names. Default value: “text” |
textExpr |
The data field that provides subjects for appointments. When subject comes from multiple fields, is an array with field names. Default value: “text” |
startDateExpr |
The data field that provides start date for appointments. Default value: “startDate” |
endDateExpr |
The data field that provides end date for appointments. Default value: “endDate” |
displayHours |
Scheduler display hours mode. Values: 12, 24 |
firstDayOfWeek |
Specify what is the first day of the week. Integer value. |
startDayHour |
Start day hour (start hour of time scale) |
endDayHour |
End day hour (end hour of time scale) |
cellDuration |
Specify time scale cell duration in minutes. Integer value. |
width |
Scheduler width |
height |
Scheduler height |
disabled |
Boolean, specify if widget responds to user interaction |
allowAdding |
Boolean, specify whether possible to add appointment |
allowDeleting |
Boolean, specify whether possible to delete appointment |
allowUpdating |
Boolean, specify whether possible to update appointment |
allowResizing |
Boolean, specify whether possible to resize appointment |
allowDragging |
Boolean, specify whether possible to drag appointment |
maxAppointmentsPerCell |
Maximum number of appointments displayed per cell. Default value: ‘auto’. |
colors |
Array with color values. |
Name | Description |
constructor(config) |
HTML schedule control constructor: - localize Dx Scheduler - initialize control configuration - initialize dxScheduler control instance |
initializeDxScheduler() |
Initialize dxScheduler control instance |
initialDataFetch() |
refresh(restriction) |
Refresh scheduler control with restriction: - call beforeRefresh event - do refresh - call afterRefresh event |
beforeRefresh() |
afterRefresh() |
getDataFromDataSource() |
Retrieve database records from datasource: - call getData - call afterGetData
- call handleDataSet – convert database dataset to scheduler dataset
getParametersFromRefresh() |
Get parameters for refresh WFR |
getData |
Get data from database |
afterGetData |
Call afterGetData event if defined |
handleDataSet |
Convert database dataset to scheduler dataset |
Name | Description |
initialized |
Triggered only once, when widget is initialized |
optionChanged |
Triggered when a widget option is changed |
cellClick |
cellContextMenu |
appointmentClick |
appointmentContextMenu |
appointmentDblClick |
appointmentAdding |
Fires before an appointment is added to the data source |
appointmentAdded |
Fires after an appointment has been added to the data source |
appointmentDeleting |
appointmentDeleted |
appointmentUpdating |
appointmentUpdated |
Task Scheduler
Task Scheduler contains these sections:
Name | Description |
record | object |
control |
Scheduler control |
taskId |
The id of the task. Database primary key. For composite primary key, all fields values are concatenated with multiple value separator. |
text |
Task summary (subject). When multiple fields are used for summary, all values are concatenated. |
startDate |
Task end date |
endDate |
Task start date |
color |
Task color (hexa value) |
pkFields | Names for primary key fields. When is composite key, is an array with field names. |
Name | Description |
constructor(record, pkFields, control) |
Default constructor. Parameters:
getTaskId() |
Returns the task id |
setColor(color) |
Set task color. Color definition: hexa color code. |
setStartDate(date) |
Setter for start date |
getStartDate() |
Getter for start date |
setEndDate(date) |
Setter for end date |
getEndDate() |
Getter for end date |
getTooltip() |
Returns task tooltip – formatted with user locale |
getPkRestriction() |
Returns Ab.view.Restriction object from primary keys |
_getPkValue() |
Returns pk value from |
_initializeTaskFields() |
Initialize task fields |
_getTaskText() |
Initialize task text field |
Sample views
See these sample views, located in the /ab-products/solutions/parts/htmlcalendar/ folder:
- ab-ex-htmlcalendar-activity.axvw
- ab-ex-htmlcalendar-multiple-summary-field.axvw
- ab-ex-htmlcalendar-with-time-in-day.axvw
- ab-ex-htmlcalendar-project.axvw
- ab-ex-htmlcalendar-wrkpkg.axvw