PM step
PM step
PM procedures are composed of individual steps. For example, a procedure of inspecting an air handler unit may be composed of the following steps: shutting down the unit, servicing its fans, lubricating the motors, changing the filters, restarting the unit.
For each step of a PM procedure, you can document the resources (labor, tool types , and parts) as well as checklists required for executing this step. Associating this information with a step enables you more efficiently schedule craftspersons to execute the job and ensure that the required tools and parts are on hand on the date that the job is to be executed.
When you use the system's PM work order generation features, the system uses the properties of the PM procedure and its assigned steps to generate a work request for a PM work order. The system generates one work request for each step of a PM procedure.
Depending on the practices at your site and how you handle work orders, you can choose to group all of a procedure's steps into one step; this will minimize the number of generated work requests. Or, you may choose to list each step (such as shut down, lubricating, air filter change, and so on) in its own step.