Archibus SaaS / Reservations / Reserve / Create Booking
Workplace Services / Hoteling / Create and Review Bookings / Create Bookings

Booking a Desk with the Create Bookings Task

Note: Many users at a site will have access the Create Booking task and are able to book a seat for temporary occupancy. However, your security group and how Hoteling has been configured for your site will determine such factors as the types of rooms in which the seat is located, whether or not departmental approval is required, and whether you can request and cancel bookings for other users. Likewise, a business process owner or facility manager at your site will first have tagged the seats at your site that are available for booking.

Note: Rather than providing general staff with the Hoteling features, your site might provide general staff with Archibus Workplace on a tablet, kiosk, or smart phone. You can also access Workplace from Workplace Services / Hoteling / Create and Review Bookings / Workplace . With Archibus Workplace, general staff and guests can reserve working space on a one-time or recurring schedule, and a manager can manage the bookings using the Hoteling application. For information, see Using Archibus Workplace .

As another option, your site may provide general staff with the Archibus Workplace Services Portal mobile app, which also provides the ability to book rooms directly from smart phones and mobile devices. This mobile app is not available for Archibus SaaS deployments as these deployments can use Archibus Workplace.

To book a desk for temporary use, use these tasks:

  • Workplace Services / Hoteling / Create and Review Bookings / Create Bookings
  • Archibus SaaS / Reservations / Reserve / Create Booking

The Archibus tabbed interface will walk you through the steps of booking a desk.

  1. Search for seats.
  2. Book seats.
  3. Review your bookings.
  4. Confirm the booking (check in the day of the booking).

The exact options that appear depend on:

  • if you are booking a desk for yourself, a visitor, or another employee.
  • if you are creating a single booking, or multiple bookings that occur during a specified time frame and follow a recurring pattern, such as the first Monday of each month.
  • the security groups with which you are associated
  • if your site has implemented the confirmation (check-in) feature