JavaScript API Reference

Ab.view.View object

File: ab-view.js

The Ab.view.View object manages a collection of all panels defined in that view. You can get a reference to any panel by its id, as defined in the AXVW file. As a shorthand to the Ab.view.View object, you can simply refer to it as View in your JavaScript:

// in AXVW

<panel type="form" id="requestForm">

// in JavaScript

var requestForm = View.panels.get('requestForm');;


Any view can access task information, including Application, Process, or Task ID:

var activityId = View.taskInfo.activityId;
var processid = View.taskInfo.processId;
var taskId = View.taskInfo.taskId;

if (activityId == 'AbMoveManagement') {
View.openDialog('ab-move-calendar-project-dialog.axvw', restriction, false);

If the view is loaded from Navigator, all three properties are available.

If the view is loaded from a URL, all three properties are empty strings.

To access task information in the AXVW,

Binding Sources: Panel