transaction status (US Federal Property Registry application)
transaction status (US Federal Property Registry application)
In the US Federal Property Registry application, the system assigns transactions a Status to help you distinguish transactions that have been approved or rejected from those that have not yet been evaluated.
Transactions can have any of the following statuses:
- Created: The data for these transactions has been entered, but the Business Process Owner has not yet approved or rejected the transaction. These transactions are proposed changes, and the data entered for them has not been posted.
- Posted: These are transactions that the Business Process Owner has approved. The data for these transactions has been posted to the Government Real Property Inventory table, either to create a new record for the real property asset, or to update an existing record.
- Rejected: These are transactions that the Business Process Owner has rejected as the data was inaccurate. They are stored as transactions in the Government Real Property Transactions table, but no record is created or updated for the real property asset in the Government Real Property Inventory table.