Healthcare / Healthcare Facility Manager / Facilities Console

Facilities Console: Overview

The Facilities Console is the tool you use to manage your healthcare facility. Use the Facilities Console to perform tasks such as:

  • Track and report on healthcare space and regulatory attributes

  • Retrieve open maintenance work, compliance requirements, and deficiencies

  • Visually explore facilities floor plans to plan work or respond to inspection inquiries by highlighting:

    • space healthcare information

    • pending maintenance work to schedule access into patient care or secured locations

    • checklists and follow-up actions

    • compliance requirements, waivers and deficiencies

    • asset location and information, including fire walls and door

    • room attributes like Pressurization, NFPA Occupancy Types, Room Function

    • checklists and deficiencies

    • pending corrective and preventive maintenance work

  • Display the location of fire and safety assets such as fire walls and doors, and quickly pull up their profiles.

  • Export data to XLS

The Facilities Console is similar to the Space Console in that you can access database data on the left and highlight rooms by various criteria on the right, but it has additional fields and highlights required for healthcare facilities. Additionally, you can also access equipment, maintenance, and compliance information directly from the Facilities Console.

See these topics:
