Getting Results with Archibus

Capital Projects Domain

The Archibus Capital Projects domain encompasses business applications that identify problems, identify funding, and plan capital to execute the strategic master plan.

The following business results are available in both the Archibus SaaS and the non-SaaS offerings:

Condition Assessment Establishes an assessment program to establish the condition of existing facilities and the cost of remediation work or maintenance work needed to keep them functioning at a level that can support the business mission. This process identifies areas that need to be improved and will require capital projects to do so.
Capital Budgeting Flows capital projects through the request, prioritize, estimate, scenario evaluation, approve, allocate, and budget phases.
Projects Focuses on the details of planning and executing the individual capital projects (which can be defined with the Capital Budgeting application).
Commissioning Enhances the delivery of a construction or renovation project by providing tools for verifying and documenting that the facility and all of its systems and assemblies are planned, designed, installed, tested, operated, and maintained to meet pre-established standards


In Archibus SaaS deployments, Condition Assessment is its own module and all other applications are found in the Capital Projects module.
