Archibus module (Archibus SaaS module)

In Archibus SaaS , a module is the set of major items of work that need to be executed to accomplish a specific goal. such as managing space, tracking energy, or managing assets. A module is composed of a series of processes (or roles) which in turn are composed of the required tasks (views, reports, workflow rules, parameters, and so forth) for accomplishing this goal.

For example, Space is a module with the goal of managing your space inventory. It is composed of processes for managing the various aspects of your space (inventory, moves, chargeback, occupancy). These processes, house the required tasks.

SaaS modules are typically located at the root level of the Navigator; unless you have more than 13 modules, related SaaS modules are not grouped into domains on the Navigator. This differs from the non-SaaS environment in which related applications are grouped into domains on the Navigator.


See also