Entering Users (Add or Edit Users task)
Archibus SaaS / System / Archibus Administrator - User and Security
System / Archibus Administrator - Users and Security
Entering Users (Add or Edit Users task)
Users are those people with rights to sign in to Archibus. Users can be outside contractors, craftspersons, internal employees, and so forth. Create a User record for any person who should be able to access the Archibus system.
Note that personnel information for employees, such as room location, division, and salary, is stored in its own table: the Employees table.
The HQ sample project ships with several sample users. For information on these users, see Demonstration User Accounts and Licensing (System Management Help) .
You can also enter users with the
Define Users
view (
), which is available from the SaaS Administrator process. The "Define Users" view an additional filter and displays fewer fields than the "Add or Edit Users" task (
), described below.
Select the
Archibus Administrator - Users and Security / Add or Edit Users
task (
The Add or Edit Users form appears. Click the Add New
Complete the fields:
- Default -- presents the Navigator in the sidebar navigation panel.
- Select Default to have area fields display in Feet 2 if the user's locale is en_US, and for all other locales display in Meters 2 .
- Select Metric to have area fields display in Meters 2 .
- Select Imperial to have area fields display in Feet 2 .
- Click the Save button to save your changes. This user's data is saved to the Archibus Users table.
- If you have made changes to the user's role, select the Flush Cached User Accounts and Roles button, located in the upper right corner. See Archibus SaaS / System / Archibus Administrator - User and SecuritySystem / Archibus Administrator - Users and Security
Field | Description |
User Name |
The user will use this value to sign into the Archibus system. |
Role Name |
Select the role for the user by mousing over the Role Name field, clicking the Select Values button, and selecting the role from the list. The role determines the processes, tasks, and data to which a particular user has access. For information, see Working with Roles (System Management Help) . If you have made changes to the user's role, select the Flush Cached User Accounts and Roles button, located in the upper right corner. See Archibus SaaS / System / Archibus Administrator - User and SecuritySystem / Archibus Administrator - Users and Security |
Number of Failed Login Retries Attempted |
This is the number of times the user tried to login and failed. On successful login, the Sign-in page sets the value to zero. The system administrator can unlock a locked user account by clicking the "Reset" button, and then clicking Save. This sets the value back to zero. |
Email Address | Archibus can automatically send email messages about the status of an item. This value is necessary for email notifications and for connecting the user to a record in the Employees, Vendors, or Craftspersons tables. Be sure to complete this field if you wan the Archibus applications to send email messages to this user. The value you enter must match the value in the corresponding Employees, Craftspersons, or Vendors table for this user. |
Locale |
Select a Locale for the user. This controls the country, language, date format, and currency that you use with Archibus. |
Country Code Currency Code |
The country and currency that you use with Archibus. If you have enabled the Archibus Enhanced Global Feature Set , the user's Locale determines the Country and Currency assigned to this user. |
Create Employee? | If you have not yet used the Define Employees view to enter an employee, select this option and the system will create a record in the Employees table and complete Employee Code with the same value that you specified in the User Name field and will complete the Email Address field in the Employees table with the same value as you specified for the user. |
Navigation |
Choose how the user accesses tasks from. |
Color Scheme | Sets the color scheme to use for this user |
The User Display Unit of Measure (Metric or Imperial) |
If you are using the Archibus Enhanced Global Feature Set , set the User Display Unit of Measure for the user. This fields determines how area fields are shown in reports. The value set for this field matches the User's Profile (My Profile dropdown menu). |
Is Named User? | For information, see Named User Licensing (System Management Help). |
Use CAD/BIM License? | Determines if this user has access to the Smart Client Extensions for AutoCAD or Revit. |
Mobile Device Enabled |
Whether the Archibus Administrator has enabled this user to connect via mobile device |
Mobile Device ID | The Device ID for this mobile user. Set by the registerDevice() service called from the mobile device. Used by the loginWithDeviceId() service to map mobile Device IDs to Archibus User accounts. |
VPA fields | For information on the VPA (Virtual Private Archibus) see VPA Groups (System Management Help). |
Legal ID | This is used with VPA. See VPA Use Case: Legal IDs (System Management Help). |
User Preferences (XML) | Overlays the project preferences. |
To reset a user who has failed to sign in
A user may be attempting to sign into Archibus but not entering the correct password or user name. If a user attempts too many times, the system will lock them out. When this happens, a system administrator needs to unlock the account. To do so, click the Reset button, located next to the Number of Failed Login Retries Attempted field. This sets the Number of Failed Login Retries Attempted value back to 0.
See Also
- Users, Employees, and Emails
- After adding new users, make sure to assign the users to the processes specific to their roles. For information, see Assigning Processes to Roles or Users .
- You can synchronize your User data with your Employee data; see Synchronizing Users and Employees.