Costs Report
Archibus SaaS / Leases / Cost Reports
Real Property / Costs / Cost Administrator
Costs Report
The Cost report provides a comprehensive listing of all costs using the restriction you select in the filter. The report shows data in tabs for Recurring , Scheduled , and Actual Costs . See Report Tabs . You can export the data shown on a tab to Excel by clicking XLS button.
By default, the Costs report shows costs for all cost categories for leases for the current year. You can generate this report by clicking Show. Alternately, you can enter a restriction to select specific cost categories, locations, or years, or to generate the report for costs associated with buildings, properties, leases, or accounts.
For more information on how costs are selected for reports, see Understanding the Financial Analysis Reports.
When viewing data on the Scheduled Costs or Actual Costs tabs, notice that the Costs report includes a Summary pane below the filter.
The following image shows the Costs Report with the Scheduled tab selected, which displays summary information for scheduled costs and the individual Scheduled Cost records in the bottom pane.
Costs Report When Using Archibus Enhanced Global Feature Set
When you have enabled the Enhanced Global Feature Set , you can choose to generate the Costs report to show Base Costs , Total Costs , or VAT Costs in the Budget Currency , your User Default Currency, or a currency you select. Just as when the Archibus Enhanced Global Feature Set is not enabled, the Costs report provides a comprehensive listing of both income and expenses using the restriction you select in the Filter console. However, when the Archibus Enhanced Global Feature Set is enabled, the report shows these amounts as Total Costs, Base Costs, or VAT Costs depending on the selections you make to generate the report. See Selecting VAT Cost Types and Currency for Reports for a description of the cost fields used to show these VAT costs in different currencies.
The VAT and currency selections you make to generate the report are used for the amounts shown on the Recurring, Scheduled, and Actual tabs.
See Also
Real Property Cost Reports When Using the Enhanced Global Feature Set