View Element Reference

< clause />

Specifies one piece of a parsed restriction.

<clause table="rm" name="area" op="<" value="50.0" relop="and"/>

Enclosing Element: This tag is a direct child of the <restriction> element whose type = ‘parsed’.
Encloses: None.
Attribute Description Valid Values Optional
table Table name table name of the field to be restricted no
name Field name field name of the field to be restricted no
op Specifies a comparison operator for one element of the WHERE clause any binary Boolean operator appropriate for comparing field and value, i.e., ‘=’ , ‘<’ , ‘>’ , 'LIKE' , etc., defaulting to ‘=’ yes
value A literal value to be used in the WHERE clause comparison any value appropriate for the data type of the column in the clause yes
relop Specify how fields are combined within the WHERE clause ‘AND’ , 'OR' , ')AND(' or ')OR(' , defaulting to ‘AND’ yes