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Eptura Knowledge Center

#5 - Set up the Move Module

Your Eptura Workplace implementation is based on the plan purchased.

The Move module helps you coordinate the movement of people and assets. This module is set up involves setting up the approvals workflow, request types, move statuses, task, and costs.

Implementation Tasks

Administrators can configure the following:


We recommend you review and set up the preferences for your organization:

  • Email Alerts
  • New Hire Permissions
  • Request Type
  • Move Status
  • Enable Request Approval
  • Activate Advanced Move Approvals
  • Activate Move Cost Tracking

Learn more in Edit Move Preferences.

Quick Start

Now, the Move module is ready next you can learn about how to use it.

Move - Customer Learning
Learn how the Customer role can submit a move request, edit, or cancel a move request. Additionally they can view the Move Request Queue or search the move history.
Pages: 4
Move - Manager Learning
Learn how a Manager role can submit a Move Request, edit, or cancel a Move Request. If your Admin has set up an Approver then you could be sent an email request to approve or reject the Move Request (Note this is not part of the Manager role as the Approver is assigned by email, however we can assume the Approver will have the Manager or an Admin role).
Pages: 4
Move - Operator Learning
Learn how the Operator role can submit a move request and process move request from reviewing the move schedule, to printing labels and placards, and the after the person or people have moved, then archiving the move to make the adjust in the Spaces data.
Pages: 5

Next Onboarding Step