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Eptura Knowledge Center

2024 May Eptura Workplace Product Release

May's release includes:

  • General Maintenance - May 22nd
  • Neighborhood Deletion Message Enhancement
  • General Maintenance - May 1st

General Maintenance - May 22nd

  • Space Wayfinding - The kiosk was timing out during the day and then it wanted you to login in. This has been fixed.

  • Space Module - Update Categories to Allocations, during our recent rebranding from ‘categories’ to ‘allocations’ we missed a couple of spots in the UI. These have been changed to allocations.

Neighborhood Deletion Message Enhancement

Released May 1st

When your Administrator wants to delete a neighborhood that contains sections, a message displays “Warning! This neighborhood contains active sections. All active child sections must be removed before a parent neighborhood can be deleted”.


General Maintenance - May 1st

Released May 1st

  • Space Module - When your Administrator has selected several spaces and their capacity is different, now, they can turn on their reservable toggle.