Configure Reservations E-Mail Notifications
For all of you Reservations module administrators, we have a feature you might not aware of, but we think that it be helpful in allowing you a little extra customization for your reservation e-mail notifications..
As you know, when you create a reservation, your intended recipients are sent an e-mail notification. However, users that have permissions to access the administrator preferences for the Reservation module are able to customize the following options:
From E-Mail Address
CCs E-Mail Address
Body Message Text
Once you select the Enable Alerts checkbox, you activate the ability to send a variety of messages. This means that you can customize the From Label, so you can make sure that notifications are received by a pre-set name or e-mail address.
You are also able to update your CCs e-mail address based on specific people or e-mail addresses that should be notified of your reservations. This is helpful if your facility needs to notify specific people about reservations.
Finally, you are able to customize the body message for your reservation notification e-mails. This allows you to provide your recipients with the information they need for their reservation.
We hope that this feature proves helpful to you and your facility, and we look forward to continuing to share new and innovative updates to maximize your iOffice experience.
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