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Eptura Knowledge Center

#3 - Site Preferences


Client must submit the IP Address to your Firewall Administrator, see IPs and Ports to Allowlist - US. This is important as an allowlist provides access to specified IP addresses and programs when your security policy or network settings would otherwise prevent that access. 



Provide two company logos and depending on the background color theme chosen, consider providing four logo’s total - 2 with white text, 2 with black text, or logos with transparent background.

Front Page Logo (recommend 234 by 90 px)


Navigation Logo (recommend 72 by 30 px)


Implementation Tasks

Update the Eptura Workplace site to your company’s brand:

  1. Upload your company’s logo.
  2. Update the site to your company’s colors.

This is completed in the Global Preferences section, learn more in Global Preferences Admin.

Additionally, your Administrator can set up other Global Preferences which are site-wide settings, including:

  • email notifications
  • site language
  • enable new user sign-up
  • rename modules

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