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Add, Edit, or Delete Asset Types

You can keep your assets up-to-date and assets can be quickly assigned to their type.

  1. Navigate to Admin > Asset > Asset Types.


You can add, edit, or remove asset types. Examples include Life Safety Equipment, HVAC equipment, A/V equipment, desktop computers, copiers, and printers.

Search for an Asset Type

The search lets you complete the following:

  • Quick Search - To search for an asset type, use the Quick Search feature.
  • Saved Searches - You can also save and edit frequently used searches by clicking the Add Searches or Edit Searches tab.

Sort Order

To change the order in which asset types appear, complete the following:

  1. Hover on the asset type's Move clipboard_e851c01229b2963132cb5facd6a4cd660.png icon and the cursor changes.

  2. Click the Move icon and then drag and drop the asset type to change the sort order.

Add an Asset Type

You can create an asset type.

  1. Click the + Create Asset Type button.


  1. In the Name field, enter the asset type name.
  2. In the Code field, enter the code.
  3. Check the Unit Price Enabled checkbox if this asset types needs to have a unit price recorded.
  4. Check the Metering Enable checkbox if this asset type needs to have meter reading recorded.
  5. In the Description field, enter a short description.

Add a Center

Under the Centers tab, you can add center(s).

  1. Click the +Add Center button.


  1. From the Center drop-down, select the center.
  2. Click the Save button.

Add Fields

Under the Fields tab, this lets you choose which fields to track for the asset type. The default fields are locked and cannot be removed, however you can change the field's sort order.

  1. Click the Fields tab.


  1. Click the +Add Field button.


  1. From the Field drop-down, select the field you want to add.

Add Custom Queue Columns

Under the Custom Queue Columns you can select the field you would like to see on the Inventory screen.


  1. Click the Custom Queue Columns tab.

  2. Click the +Add Column tab.

  3. From the Column drop-down, select the field.


Add Meter Types

If you have the Metering Enabled checkbox enabled, then you will see the Meter Types tab.

  1. Click the +Add Meter Type button.


  1. From the Meter Type drop-down, select which type of meter reads can be collected.

Save Asset Type

When you have completed information under each of the tabs, click the Save button.