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Working with Tables in the Insights Editor

The table view consists of columns, rows, and groups.

  • Columns in a table correspond to the columns in the data source. They are included by adding fields or measures to the table in the reports view.
  • Rows correspond to rows in the database. The information in each row reflects the columns included in the table.  
  • Using groups, rows can be grouped by identical values, in any field with intermediate summaries for each grouped value. For example, a table view of product orders might contain columns to show the dates and amounts of each order, and its rows might be grouped by city and product.

While working within a table, the following menu selections are available:




Toggles between design and display modes.


Provides the ability to save a report in three separate formats:

  • Save Ad Hoc View

  • Save Ad Hoc View As

  • Save Ad Hoc View and Create Report


Allows you to export your report in the following formats:

  • PDF
  • Excel (paginated)
  • Excel
  • CSV
  • DOCX
  • RTF
  • ODT
  • ODS
  • As XLSX (paginated)
  • As XSLX


Allows you to undo the last change


Allows you to reset the report to its last saved state.


Allows you to switch the groups


Allows you to set the sort order


Allows you to change the input values


Allows you to set the properties for your individual report view:

  • Toggle the Title Bar

  • Hide Layout Band (contains the Columns and Groups)


Allows you to view a SQL query