Mail Check In Enhancements
We have received a lot of great feedback on the redesigned Mail Check In screen, and have decided to implement two additional changes to further enhance your experience. Once you check in a package, you can now reaccess the package with a single click, allowing you to easily print a secondary barcode or verify package details. To re-access a package, simply click the Package Number link in the check-in confirmation that displays once an item is checked in. The package information displays on the Mail Status screen, allowing you to verify item details or print additional labels as needed.
In addition, the number of packages being checked in at once now displays directly on the Check In button, allowing you to quickly verify the number of packages being checked in.
These new features further enhance the check-in process, providing an increasingly user-friendly experience for mail room employees. If you have any questions, please call 713-526-1029 or send an email to