New Service Request App Filter Options
You can now filter service requests by building in the Service Request App. In addition, the Assigned to Me filter option can now be used in conjunction with a second filter option, providing you with more specific filtering than previously available. These new options are especially useful if you handle requests at multiple sites by allowing you to quickly toggle the Request Queue screen to display only the most relevant tickets.
For example, if you want to display only the tickets assigned to you in a specific building, simply access the Request Queue screen and tap the Filter bar. Then tap the Assigned to Me toggle switch, scroll down, and select the new By Building filter option.
A list of available buildings displays, where you can select the correct location. Once these filters are selected, only the tickets assigned to you at the selected location display on the Request Queue screen, eliminating the need to sort through tickets that do not apply to your current location.
Using these new filter combinations, you now have more control over what displays on the Request Queue screen, allowing you to easily prioritize these tickets based on location. If you have any questions, please call 713-526-1029, or send an email to