Performance Improvements in Mail App
In conjunction with the Apple iOS 10 release, the Mail App has been upgraded to allow for additional users and more responsive performance. There is no longer a limit on the maximum number of users, so whether you have 1,000 or 65,000 users, you can use the Mail App to provide comprehensive, effective service. In addition, the latest version of the app is 20% faster than the previous version, allowing operators to perform daily tasks more efficiently.
Note: To take advantage of these performance improvements, you must upgrade your device to iOS 10.
Using the improved performance and higher user limits, operators can now check-in, update, and deliver mail items faster than ever before, increasing productivity in the mail room. These enhancements are available as soon as you upgrade to iOS 10 and download the most recent version of the app in the iTunes App Store. If you have any questions, please call 713-526-1029, or send an email to