Display Avatar in User Searches
Employees can now view personalized images when performing user searches in the iOffice application. To help employees identify other users more easily, avatars now display for each user record in the Directory module. Additionally, avatars are included in live searches throughout the application. This new feature allows employees to "put a face to the name" when working with user records, potentially increasing engagement by providing a more personalized experience.
In the Directory module, a user avatar displays to the left of each record listed in the search results.
Similarly, avatars display to the left of users listed in live search results throughout the site. For example, when a user is added to a move request, user avatars display directly in the search results, allowing the employee to easily identify and select the appropriate user.
Including user avatars in search results can help employees identify the correct record with less effort. This enhancement will be rolled out to customers over the next two weeks. If you have any questions, please call 713-526-1029, or send an email to support@iofficecorp.com.