Improved Service Request Notifications
Notifications in the Service Request module have been improved to provide more robust options for operators and customers. In response to customer feedback, we have replaced the existing preferences with four new check boxes. These new check boxes allow you to customize the push and email notifications for primary contacts and operators associated with each ticket, providing you with additional flexibility.
Important: To fully implement this new feature, an administrator must enter custom text in new fields on the Admin → Service Request → Preferences screen. Failure to define custom text can reduce the clarity of emails sent using this feature. For more information on defining these settings, contact your Account Manager.
Refer to the following list of preferences for information on defining contact and operator notifications.
- Contact Notifications. Select this check box to send push and email notifications to the requester or primary contact to confirm a ticket submission or to notify them when an existing ticket is completed or canceled. When this check box is selected, the customizable email fields display on screen, allowing you to define a from email address for submission, completion, and cancellation emails. If you want to receive a copy of all emails sent using this preference, enter an email address in the Email CC's field. A copy of all submission, completion, and cancellation emails will be sent to the entered address.
Furthermore, you can add a custom header that applies to submission, completion and cancellation emails using the Header Text field. You can also define a footer for submission emails in the Submission Footer Message field and a separate "resolution" footer for completion and cancellation emails in the Resolution Footer Message field. These new options provide you with additional control over the voice and tone used to communicate with requesters and primary contacts.
- Contact Updates. If the Contact Updates check box is selected, requesters and primary contacts also receive notifications when comments are added to their ticket or when the date required on the ticket is changed. Similar to the Contact Notifications check box, additional fields display when the Contact Updates check box is selected, allowing you to define email options.
This preference is especially useful at locations where requesters and operators routinely communicate using comments by allowing everyone involved with the ticket to be aware of changes that might affect the expected completion time.
- Operator Assigned. Select the Operator Notifications check box to send an email and push notification to an operator when the operator is assigned to a ticket. This notification is also sent to operators currently assigned to a ticket when an additional operator is added to the ticket.
When this check box is selected, additional fields display to allow you to define email settings for "operator assigned" emails. These fields allow you to provide additional instructions to your operator teams, which can help you communicate your general expectations to all employees receiving assignments.
- Operator Updates. Operators can also receive notifications for various updates to the ticket, including when comments are added and when the ticket is completed or canceled.
Similar to the other preferences, email fields specific to this preference display when the Operator Updates check box is selected, allowing you to tailor the email to the update notification type.
Note: To receive push notifications, the user must be the requester or primary contact on the ticket or an operator assigned to the ticket. Additionally, the user must be signed in to the Service Request App on their mobile device.
Using these new options, you can tailor service request notifications to fit your current processes and increase communication between operators and requesters. This new feature will be available to all customers in the next two weeks. If you have any questions, please call 713-526-1029 or send an email to