2023 November Eptura Workplace Product Release
November's release includes:
General Maintenance - November 22nd
Released November 22nd
- Admin Module
Space Administrator - When you edit a Space, now, you can remove the text from the space description field.
Users - When you edit a user, the field types of Number and Currency can now be edited.
Users - When new users are created via a Move Request and you edit the User you will now see the Reset Password button.
Reservation Rules and the Hummingbird app - When you use the Hummingbird app, you will no longer be able to see spaces that violate a Max Duration Rule based on your selected data and duration.
- Asset Module
You can now scroll up and down the Asset’s Agreements list.
- Copy Module
Price Estimate now recalculates when an item is removed from the Copy Request form.
- Move Module
The Advanced Search now returns the full list of available spaces.
Users with the user permission “Manager” can now open Move Requests from the Move request queue. Work to grant users with “Manager” permissions to update the status of a move ticket is pending.
- Reservations Module
Some users were not receiving check-in emails, we fixed that.
Multi-day reservations now split into a series of single-day reservations if the reservation was created initially as a single reservation and updated to make it multi-day.
- Visitor Module
You can now add fields to the Visitor Queue that contain a question mark, for example, Photo ID Verified?
General Maintenance - November 9th
Released November 9th
- Admin Module
- The Admin button now doesn’t display for Operators when ‘Operator User Administration' preference is disabled.
- You will be able to upload an image and it will no longer be cut off.
- Copy Module - Admin users can now access the Admin > Copy Preferences area.
- Move Module - When the Move request is approved and archived, the user type of Employee is changed to Contractor or Consultant. This was incorrect and we have fixed it.
- Reservations Module - When a Center is closed, you will be able to make an all-day reservation.
- Service Request Module
- When a Service Request is overdue, they will now display in red.
- You will now be able to change the Service Request time from AM/PM.
- Space Module - When you are in the Manage CAD Layers panel and the layer name is long; now, the panel adjusts so you can still use the Visible icon.
- Users - When an account is deactivated and recreated manually or via AUP, the inactive profile remains signed into the Hummingbird App. This leads to reservations and other activities on the app being attached to the inactive account. We have now fixed this.