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Eptura Knowledge Center

#2 - Buildings, Floors, and Floor Plans

Buildings and Floors


  • Client provides the building addresses and codes so the Space Data file can be populated, see Space Data for the data requirements.
  • Eptura Workplace contains default Space Types and these define your spaces used in your business, see Add, Edit, or Delete Space Types for information.

Implementation Tasks

The Implementation team will upload your initial Buildings and Floors.

Ongoing Tasks

Administrators can manage your buildings and floors in the Space Administrator area.

Floor Plans


Implementation Tasks

SoftSpace for AutoCAD Plug-in

The implementation tasks are:

  1. Implement team to review initial drawing load for confirmation of data mapping structure; CAD layers/requirements & space types, category data, admin mode, user roles, markers, & printing.
  2. Process and Upload POC Floor CAD Drawing.
  3. Upload CAD Drawing using the SoftSpace for AutoCAD Plug-in.

Manual Load Floor Plan

If you are not using the SoftSpace Plugin, then you will need to manually manage your drawings on your own internal storage or server and then manually load the drawing.

Next Onboarding Step