2023 May iOffice Product Release
Asset Vendor List Usability Enhancement
Released May 24th
We only add manufactures to the asset vendor list and any vendor who are non-manufacturers are saved to the address book. We have improved the usability, so when you add a non-manufacture and save the Asset Vendor List the message "Vendor saved in the address book. Note: We only add manufacturers to the asset vendor list" displays.
Learn more about the address book, see Address Book and how to add a vendor, see Add, Edit, or Delete Vendors.
General Maintenance
Released May 24th
- Space Module - The headcount for the floor now displays the occupancy count.
General Maintenance
Released May 10th
- Reservation Module - Reservations made before daylight saving displayed an hour behind for Centers that did not observe Daylight Savings Time. Additionally, when a reservation was made in the future, in a Center the did not observe Daylight Savings Time, displayed an hour ahead. We have corrected this nonsense.
- Move Module - The Move Request now displays the asset tag in the field.
- Copy Module - The barcode now displays on the Delivery Labels.
- Copy Module - The Date Submitted and Date Due time displayed in Copy Job Request was not picking up the time zone set in Copy Center. So now, when your Copy Center is set to a timezone, for example GMT+01:00, then the Copy Request will show the local time.