View Occupancy by Color
You can view the occupancy of the spaces for the building's floor.
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Audio: Sound Video Length: 2:09 minutes
Learn more
- Navigate to Space > Space Desktop.
- The Mode icon at the upper right-hand corner will display in the Information Mode.
- Select a building.
- From the Legend click the Colors tab.
- From the Selection drop-down, select Occupancy.
- When you hover over the legend, the spaces highlight on the floor plan and statistics display.
The legend contains the following:
Spaces that are not assignable to a person, i.e., Kitchen, Conference Room, Print Room, IDF (Individual Distribution Frame) Room etc.
Spaces that are assignable to a person(s), i.e., Office, Workstation, Shared Office, Workbench etc.
Over Capacity
Spaces where there are too many people assigned to the space. In this example, the Workstation's capacity is 1 and there are 3 people assigned to the space.
Under Capacity
Spaces where there are fewer people assign to the space than the set capacity. In this example, the Workstation's capacity is 3 and only 1 person is assigned to the space.
Spaces that can be reserved or booked by your employees.
Space that is not assigned to a person.