See also: Frequently asked questions about Graph API, data access, and security.
Condeco Microsoft 365 integration features and functions
Our Condeco is on-premise, can we benefit from the Microsoft 365 integration?
Unfortunately not. Your instance of Condeco must be on the Azure Cloud and your organization must be using Microsoft 365.
What access does Condeco need to our users’ calendars?
The Microsoft 365 integration needs calendar read and write access through Microsoft Graph API. Condeco only reads information required to create the booking, for example, the appointment title, time, recurrence pattern, attendees, etc.
You can scope out access by denying or allowing access to specific users. In addition, all individual users must authorize access when installing the add-in.
See also: Frequently Asked Questions about Graph API, data access, and security.
If access to a user’s calendar is not granted, how can that user book a meeting space?
Users can still book using Condeco on the web or the Condeco mobile app.
Can admins edit bookings created using the Condeco Outlook Add-in?
Yes, admins can edit bookings of users that were created using the Outlook add-in. We recommend that admins are considerate when doing this, as any changes to the time or date will affect the user’s calendar event. -
What happens if an Outlook appointment with a meeting space booking is moved to a different time but there are no suitable meeting spaces available at the new time?
The meeting host is sent an email notification and the location and meeting space are removed from the appointment. The user can open the appointment and use the Condeco Outlook Add-in to perform a wider search for a suitable meeting space. -
Will bookings created using the Condeco mobile app appear in the Outlook calendar?
Yes, when a user has subscribed to Condeco through the Condeco Outlook Add-in, any meeting space bookings they create from the Condeco mobile app create an event in the user’s Outlook calendar. These bookings can be viewed and edited from either the Condeco mobile app or the Outlook calendar.
Will bookings created using Condeco on the web appear in the Outlook calendar?
Yes, users can choose to add the booking to their Outlook calendar at the time the booking is created. -
If an appointment is moved using another Microsoft Exchange calendar client such as the native calendar app in iOS or Android, will the Microsoft 365 integration work?
Yes, as soon as Microsoft Exchange picks up the change, Condeco will update the booking. -
How do users book a Teams or Zoom room?
An administrator must pair a Condeco meeting space with an Exchange resource mailbox linked to the Teams or Zoom equipment in the meeting space. Users then book the Teams meeting in the Outlook appointment and open the Condeco Outlook Add-in. When a user books the Teams or Zoom enabled meeting space, the Condeco Outlook Add-in automatically invites the Exchange mailbox as an attendee. The in-room equipment looks at the Exchange resource calendar to show the details of the meeting.
Can meeting spaces be booked directly through Microsoft Teams?
Yes, using the Condeco Teams bot, you can book a meeting space directly from your Teams chats, channels, and meetings.
Does the Microsoft 365 integration support other in-room video conferencing systems?
The Microsoft 365 integration can book any Video Conferencing system that can be scheduled through an Exchange mailbox. However, to add the correct meeting join link, only Microsoft Teams is currently supported.
Can other types of resources be scheduled through the Condeco Outlook Add-in?
The Condeco Outlook Add-in supports all types of meeting spaces in Condeco. Personal spaces, such as desks, lockers, and parking spaces, are not bookable through the Condeco Outlook Add-in.
Does the Microsoft 365 integration support bookings in multiple locations and/or meeting spaces?
Yes, from the Condeco Outlook Add-in and the Condeco mobile app, but not from the Condeco app for Teams.
Are Managed meeting spaces supported?
Yes, available managed meeting spaces are listed in the search results and show a “Request” button instead of “Book”. Requested meeting spaces are marked as Pending until approved.
Are allocated (blind-managed) meeting spaces supported?
No, only self-managed and managed meeting spaces are supported. We are not planning support for allocated (blind-managed) meeting spaces at present.
Are linked meeting spaces supported?
No, the meeting spaces that make up a linked group will not automatically link when booked with the Microsoft 365 integration. Each meeting space must be booked independently.
Are setup and clean-down times supported?
Setup and clean-down times are supported when selecting a meeting space using the Condeco Outlook add-in - the availability search considers these when offering suitable meeting spaces. However, the availability information displayed for the room in the Microsoft event's Location field is from the Exchange calendar and does not consider any setup and clean-down times. Condeco will decline a booking if it overlaps a setup or clean-down time of another booking.
If a service is added to an existing booking, will set up and clean-down times be added automatically?
Yes, as this is done in the web interface the full validation will happen.
Can a service item be added to a booking?
If a meeting space offering service items is booked, an email listing the options and including a direct link to the Condeco booking form, is sent to the user. The service items can be ordered from the booking form.
Can additional meeting space or service information be viewed? (For example, pictures of meeting spaces, notification times on catering items, etc.)
Not yet, but this is on the roadmap. -
Are Condeco’s ‘specific’ recurrence patterns supported?
No, recurrence patterns must match the recurrence patterns supported by Outlook. Outlook does not offer an equivalent to Condeco’s ‘specific’ recurrence pattern. -
What is the maximum duration of a recurring booking?
Recurrences are supported up to a maximum of 365 days. -
If attendees are invited to a recurring meeting and the meeting space is changed, are attendees automatically notified of the change?
Yes, attendees receive an automatic calendar update. -
If a single booking within a recurrence is moved to a new time or the title is changed, is it separated from the series?
Yes. When changes are made to either the title or the time, Condeco separates the instance from the recurring series. This is in contrast to Microsoft Exchange, which only separates an instance from the series when the title is changed and not when only the time is changed. -
When searching for an alternative meeting space, are meeting spaces belonging to different groups listed?
When editing a booking and manually searching for an alternative space, the search results include available spaces on the same floor as the original search (including spaces from different groups). When alternative spaces are automatically selected in the event of a meeting space not being available for all instances of a recurring booking, the alternative meeting space will be from the same group and on the same floor as the original search. -
What happens to bookings if a meeting space is closed in Condeco?
When a meeting space is closed for a period, all bookings for that period are immediately canceled. Users are notified by email of the cancellation, but the meeting space must be manually removed from the appointment by the user. In a later release to the Microsoft 365 integration, the meeting space will be automatically removed from the appointment and an alternate meeting space booked.
Closed meeting spaces do not appear in search results. -
Can additional fields be added? (For example, cost center).
No, not at present. -
If the language for Microsoft Outlook is different from the language selected in the Condeco user profile, which does the Microsoft 365 integration and Condeco Outlook Add-in use?
Microsoft 365 integration and the Condeco Outlook Add-in will default to the language set in the Condeco user profile. -
Are shared mailboxes supported?
Yes, we added support for Microsoft Exchange shared mailboxes in February 2025. To add shared mailbox support, the associated account must be created in Condeco via SCIM or manually from Condeco User Management, and the Outlook calendar must be subscribed by launching the Condeco Outlook add-in from that mailbox. The email address of the associated user in Condeco must exactly match the mailbox email address in Exchange. -
What email notifications does the Microsoft 365 integration send?
Microsoft 365 integration generates email notifications for the following events:
One-time-key user registration: When a user starts the Condeco Outlook Add-in for the first time, an access code is sent to the user via email.
Automatic alternative (single instance): If the Microsoft 365 integration selects an alternative meeting space when a meeting is moved in the Outlook calendar, the organizer and attendees are notified via email.
Automatic alternatives (recurrence): If the Microsoft 365 integration selects alternative meeting space(s) when the chosen meeting space is not available for all the dates of a recurring meeting, the organizer and attendees are notified via email.
Booking declined: If an administrator declines a requested booking, the organizer is notified via email.
Room services email: If a meeting space providing services is booked, the meeting organizer is sent an email listing the available services and containing a direct link to request the service items from the Condeco web app.
Email notifications from the Microsoft 365 integration are not customizable.