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Eptura Knowledge Center

Printing QR codes

QR Codes

Printing QR codes directly from Condeco is not currently supported. To print QR codes you can use your own label printing software or an online tool, or you can use the mail merge function in Microsoft Word to create a document displaying the QR codes which can then be printed in the usual way.

How to display QR codes in Microsoft Word

The following steps presume an understanding of Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel and may differ depending on the versions of Word and Excel in use.

  1. Export the QR code values and save to a Microsoft Excel (.xls) file. Learn how
  2. Open the Excel file and edit the QR Code column heading to remove the space. We suggest renaming ‘QR Code’ column heading to ‘QRCode’. Save the Excel file.
  1. From a new Microsoft Word document, connect to the data source:
    1. From the Mailings menu tab, click the Select Recipients down arrow to reveal the menu options and select Use an existing list.
    2. Navigate to your Excel file and click Open. 
    3. From the Select Table popup, select the sheet containing the QR code data and click OK.
  2. Format the Word page appropriately to display/print the QR codes. You can use the Labels option in the Create section of the Mailings ribbon, the Labels option from Start Mail Merge, or simply create a table.
  3. In the first cell of the Word table, click Insert Merge Field (from the Write and Insert Fields section of the Mailings ribbon), select the Item Name field then click Insert and Close.
  4. On the next line of the same cell, press CTRL+F9 to open a field value box (curly brackets ' {  } ').
  5. In the curly brackets type MERGEBARCODE QRCODE QR where ‘QRCODE’ is the name of the column in the Excel file containing the QR code values. This column name must not include a space.
  1. Click the Update Labels button (from the Write and Insert Fields section of the Mailings ribbon).
  2. The fields and the <<Next Record>> rule are populated to the remaining cells in the table.
  3. Click Preview Results to display the QR codes.

Print the QR codes and display them at the corresponding resources where they can be scanned by users to check into bookings.