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Direct data connection tables

Direct connection to data tables used for Analytics module in Condeco.

Learn more: Access Condeco data with Power BI

Tables for direct connection to Condeco data

tblBooking Booking records for meeting spaces and personal spaces.
Enterprise.tblBookingAdditonalAttributes Additional booking data for meeting spaces and personal spaces.
tblAttendee Meeting attendees and details, from the Attendees list on the booking forms for meeting spaces.
tblBookingDateTime Date/time data for meeting space bookings.
tblBookingPayment Payment data for meeting space bookings (if payment system is implemented).
tblBookingRecurrance [sic] Recurrence data for recurring meeting space bookings.
tblBookingUserIDs Host, requestor, and booker details for meeting space bookings.
tblBookingItem Date and cost details for all requested resources, including meeting spaces, personal spaces, and service items.
tblHotDeskBump Lists instances where a personal space booking was automatically canceled due to the user not checking in.
tblHotDeskCheckIn Check-in events for personal space bookings.
tblHotDeskRelease Release events for personal space bookings. Contains all past and scheduled automatic release events for personal space bookings.
Locations, Floors, Groups
tblCountry Country data.
tblRegion Region data.
tblLocation Location data.
tblInternalLocation Additional location data, including floor numbers.
tblFloorNames Floor names by location.
tblMap Floor plan image files by location.
Enterprise.tblAreaMaster Zone data.
tblBusinessUnit Name/deployment data for groups.
tblSiteSetup Application setup data for groups.
Enterprise.tblDeskGroupSettings Group administration application settings for personal spaces
tblLocationBusinessUnit Groups by location
Resources, Workspace types
Enterprise.tblWSType Workspace types data for personal spaces and meeting spaces.
tblResourceItemLocation All resources by location.
tblResources Resource types: 1=meeting spaces; 2=equipment; 4=catering; 5=AV services; 6=supplies; 128=personal spaces.
Enterprise.tblRooms  Resource data for meeting spaces, personal spaces, and delivery points.
tblResourceItems Additional resource data for all resources types (see tblResources), such as QR codes, closure information, zone ID, workspace type ID, etc.
enterprise.tblservices A detailed catalog of bookable services, along with their associated properties and metadata.
tblResourceItemDetails A comprehensive list of all available services, such as service items and space layouts. 
tblSeatingOptions Token ID values for seating options for meeting spaces.
tblSeatingOptionDetails Seating options by meeting space.
tblFixedDesk Fixed and flexi booking types data for personal spaces. Contains information about both fixed and flexible personal spaces, including assigned users, start and end dates, and the booking type (fixed - 1 or flexible - 2).
tblUser Condeco users.
Enterprise.tblUserOfficeRecord User status data.
tblInternalUser User-specific group permissions.
tblUserBusinessUnitAccess Users with explicit access to groups
tblUserDefaultView Users' default locations.
tblUserLocationCountryAdmin Country, Location, and Groups mapped to Admin users.
Enterprise.tblTeamOfficeRecord Determines the dates Team A and Team B are allowed in workplace.
Enterprise.tblTeams Language mapping details for Team A and Team B.
Enterprise.tblTeamUserMapping User mappings to Team A or Team B.
tblVisitor Visitor data.
tblTimeZoneOffsets Time zone offsets including GMT start and end offsets.
tblWindowTimeZones Microsoft Windows time zone data.
tblToken Token IDs for the tblTranslate table.
tblTranslate Translated text by language.
DWHRunLogs Database running logs. (Does not contain Condeco application data).