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Eptura Knowledge Center

Attribute mappings with the Device Hub

This table shows the SCIM User attributes and the associated Condeco Device Hub User attributes.

Condeco User attributes SCIM Attributes Attribute Type Required
FirstName name.givenName Singular True
LastName name.familyName Singular True
EmailAddress emails[primary eq “True”].value Multi-Valued True
MobilePhoneNumber phoneNumbers[primary eq “True”].value Multi-Valued False
mobile phoneNumbers[type eq “mobile”].value
phoneNumbers[type eq “cellular”].value
phoneNumbers[type eq “cell”].value
Multi-Valued False
Status (Default value: 0) active Singular False
accountDeleted (Default value: false)      
SelectedLanguage preferedLanguage Singular False
PreferredLanguage preferedLanguage Singular False
Country addresses[type eq “work”].country Singular False