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Eptura Knowledge Center


Attributes are options you can select when looking for a suitable space to work or meet. For example, a personal space could have a docking station, dual monitors, and an adjustable height desk, and a meeting space might have a whiteboard, overhead projector, blackout blinds, etc.

The attributes offered with your workspaces depend on your organization’s setup.

Example attributes for personal spaces

All-day personal spaces

Attributes for 'all day' personal spaces are completely configurable by your organization. When searching for a personal space, you can choose to select a single attribute to search for from a list with radio buttons and multiple attributes from a list with checkboxes.

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Attributes for 'all-day' personal spaces as shown on the booking page for personal spaces on the web app

The personal spaces meeting all your requirements are listed first in the search results and display a star on the floor plan and on the results list.

Coming soon: Attributes for hourly personal spaces

Selecting attributes when searching for suitable hourly personal spaces is expected in April 2025. In advance of this, we've enabled the ability to create attributes for hourly personal spaces so admins can get prepared ahead of time. Admins - learn more: Attributes for 'hourly' personal spaces

Up to 20 attributes can be configured for hourly personal spaces. When searching for a personal space, you can choose multiple attributes from a list. The personal spaces meeting all your requirements are listed first in the search results and are indicated with a green star.

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Attributes for hourly personal spaces

The personal spaces meeting all your requirements are listed first in the search results and display a star on the floor plan and on the results list.

Attributes you regularly search for when booking personal spaces can be saved as default in your user profile. Learn moreYour profile and settings

Example attributes for meeting spaces

Attributes for meeting spaces are mostly from a stock list, and your organization can add an additional 10 bespoke attributes. You can include multiple attributes in your search.

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Attributes for meeting spaces as shown on the booking page for meeting spaces on the web app

The meeting spaces meeting all your requirements are listed first in the search results.