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Eptura Knowledge Center

Enable Visitors

Global settings are applied throughout your entire organization. 

Enable the Condeco Visitor module

To manage visitors via the Condeco Visitors module, a Condeco Global Administrator can enable Visitors in Global setup.

Sign in to Condeco with a Condeco Global Admin account and follow the steps to enable Visitors for your organization.

  1. Navigate to Advanced setup > Global setup and select the Visitors tab.
  2. Set Visitor Tab to True.
  3. Select the Application tab and scroll down to Menu options.
  4. Set the Visitors menu option to True.

The Visitor module will be available in the left module menu the next time you sign back in.

Learn more: Condeco Visitor Management

Eptura Visitor (Proxyclick) integrations

If your organization has integrated Condeco with Eptura Visitor, you can manage visitors in both systems if desired, or disable the Condeco Visitor module so it doesn't appear in the Condeco module menu.

If you choose to use both Condeco and Eptura Visitor to manage visitors, then we recommend setting the Visitor Management System in Global setup to 'Eptura Visitor'. This will hide fields on the Condeco visitor form that are not supported by Eptura Visitor, and hide functionality such as marking visitors as arrived, to ensure that the visitor's arrival process is managed by Eptura Visitor.

Selecting the Visitor Management System

If you use both Condeco and Eptura Visitor to manage your visitors, you can disable the Condeco Visitors dashboard (where Condeco admins manage visitor arrivals), and hide the visitor fields that are not supported by Eptura Visitor (recommended).

  1. Navigate to Advanced setup > Global setup.
  2. Select the Applications tab and scroll down to Menu options.
  3. Set the Visitors menu option to True to enable the Condeco Visitor module (or False to disable the Condeco Visitor module completely). Note: Eptura Visitor is enabled regardless of this setting.
  4. If the Visitors menu option is set to 'True', then set the Visitor Management System as follows, depending on your requirements:
    1. Condeco: The complete Condeco Visitor module is available. (Eptura Visitor is also enabled regardless of this setting).
    2. Eptura Visitor: Disables the Visitors dashboard in the Condeco Visitor module, disables Condeco visitor arrival functionality, and hides the Condeco visitor fields that are not supported by Eptura Visitor. The Visitors home page, Your visitors, and Contacts, are still available in the Condeco Visitor module.

If integrated, the Eptura Visitor integration is enabled regardless of any settings in Condeco Global setup.

Good to know

Some Condeco Visitor module options depend on whether Condeco or Eptura Visitor is set for the Visitor Management System (VMS) in Global setup:

Visitors dashboard (Find a Visitor)

The Visitors dashboard (opened via the Visitors option in the Visitors module) is disabled when the VMS is set to Eptura Visitor, and you cannot mark a visitor as 'arrived' from Condeco.

VMS set to Eptura Visitor

find a visitor enabled.png
VMS set to Eptura Visitor: 'Find a Visitor' dashboard is hidden.

VMS set to Condeco

find a visitor disabled.png
VMS set to Condeco: 'Find a Visitor' dashboard is available.

Visitor Details

On the Visitor Details form, the Condeco arrival functionality and the fields that are not supported by Eptura Visitor are hidden when the VMS is set to Eptura Visitor.

VMS set to Eptura Visitor

visitor details proxyclick.png
VMS set to Eptura Visitor: Unsupported fields and arrival functionality is hidden.

VMS set to Condeco

visitor details condeco.png
VMS set to Condeco: All Visitor Details are shown.

Learn more