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Eptura Knowledge Center

Enable/disable QR codes

QR Codes

Enable the QR code option for your organization

To enable your users to check availability, book, and check in to a booking using a QR code, the setting must be globally enabled for your configuration. When enabled, you can enable QR codes individually for resources. 

Follow the steps below to enable or disable QR codes for your organization.

  1. Navigate to Advanced setup > Global setup.
  2. Select the Application tab and scroll down to the two options for QR code check-in. 
    1. Tick QR code book and check-in to enable. 
    2. To allow users to also check in from Condeco on the web when QR codes are enabled, tick Allow check-in on web when QR enabled.
      qr global feb 24.png
  3. Click Save after making any changes.

A QR code field is now displayed on the Resource Administration pages for your personal space and meeting space resources, and an option to enable QR codes in bulk is added to the resource list (if resources in a location are selected). Learn more: QR codes

Learn more: Application setup 

Enable QR codes for resources

QR codes can be enabled in bulk for all (or selected) resources in a location, or for an individual resource.

How to enable QR codes for resources in bulk

You can enable QR codes for all (or some) resources in a Location.

  1. Navigate to Application setup > Resources.
  2. If prompted, select the Country and Region for the resource.
  3. Select the Resource Type, either personal spaces or meeting spaces.
  4. Select the Location from the filter and optionally filter by Group and/or Workspace type.

You must select a Location to enable/disable QR codes.

  1. From the list, either tick individual resources or tick the select box at the top of the column to select all resources at the location.

If your filtered list of resources spans several pages, tick the box at the top to apply the changes to all resources across all pages.

  1. Click Enable QR code.

QR codes are now enabled for all selected resources.

Learn moreApplication setup 

How to enable, view, edit, or disable, a QR code for an individual resource

  1. Navigate to Application setup > Resources.
  2. If prompted, select the Country and Region for the resource.
  3. Select the Resource Typepersonal spaces or meeting spaces.
  4. Select the Location from the filter and optionally filter by Group and/or Workspace type, or enter all or part of the resource name in the search box.
  5. From the list, click the edit icon to the right of the resource you wish to view.

The QR code value is halfway down the Resource Administration page. You can enable or disable QR scanning for the resource by toggling the Enabled box.

Already use QR codes in your organization? 

If QR codes are already implemented at your workplace and you want to use the same codes for Condeco resources, you can edit the code here. When saving the resource page, Condeco checks if the QR code entered is unique and warns if it already exists.

Contact the Condeco support team if you want to apply your own QR codes to multiple resources in bulk.

Learn moreApplication setup