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Eptura Knowledge Center

Global settings for personal spaces

Global settings are applied throughout your entire organization. 

Global settings for personal spaces

To view or change the global settings for your personal space across all your locations:

  1. Navigate to Advanced setup > Global setup.
  2. Select the Personal space tab.
    app setup global ps 01.png
    Global setup - Personal spaces
Option Description Good to know
Enable ‘Personal space’s for users When enabled, the Personal Spaces module is visible in the Condeco web app and mobile app. The module is only available for users with appropriate permissions to book personal spaces.

Booking Period

Whole Day: Personal spaces can be booked for whole days only.

Half Day: Enable AM and PM slots for personal space bookings.

To enable the cleaning vendor workflow, the booking period must be set to Whole Day.

Allow personal spaces to be booked for others

All users: Allow all users to book personal spaces for other users.

Admins only: Users can only book personal spaces for themselves. Only Admins can book personal spaces for others.

Admins only – Even in locations where self-certification is enabled: Enables Admins to book for others on the current day.

  • Booking for others on the current day is normally restricted when self-certification is required, as the user must self-certify at the time of booking the personal space if the booking is for the current day.
  • When booking for others is enabled, the user booking the space must have the relevant access to find and book the space. The person the space is being booked for does not need access to the space being booked.
Allow personal spaces to be booked for external users Allow personal space bookings for users who are not part of the organization.  
Prevent users from editing their default location Restrict users from modifying the default location set in the user profile.  

Default privacy setting for new users

Share with colleagues: New users are automatically set to show workplace presence and location information to colleagues.

Hide from colleagues: New users are automatically set to hide workplace presence and location information from colleagues.

  • New users are created manually or through self-registration.
  • Users can change their privacy settings in their User Profile.
✨Enable 'Intelligent Booking'

Automatically assign a personal space using learned intelligence, when a user's status changes to 'in the workplace' or when creating a team day. 

When Intelligent Booking is first enabled, it can take 24 hours for the initial synchronization to start. Intelligent booking will be available for users after the initial synchronization is complete.

When Intelligent Booking is enabled globally, users can choose to enable/disable it individually from their user profile.

An intelligent booking is made when a user's status changes to be in the workplace via the following scenarios:

  • Status is changed on the Today page (web or mobile app), via Your team, or on the in-office schedule in the user profile. 
  • User is set as the host of a meeting space booking (unless they have manually set their status as working remotely or not working on that day).
  • User enters the building via an Access Control System (ACS) integrated with Eptura Visitor.

When creating a team day, workspaces to reserve are intelligently selected.

Learn moreIntelligent booking for personal spaces

Click Save after making any changes.