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Eptura Knowledge Center


About Concierge 

The Concierge is a customizable menu of tiles displayed on the Condeco mobile app Today screen and the Condeco web app Today page. Each tile provides quick and convenient access to your choice of location-specific websites and resources, directly from Condeco, and can be set to display for a specific timeframe if required.

The tiles displayed on the Concierge are relevant to the user's location - either the default location set in their profile or the location they are visiting, as defined by their in-office status. The URL, tile name, and image, are all customizable to suit your organization's specific requirements, and different URL/URIs can be configured so a tile directs appropriately when actioned from the web or from a mobile device.

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How to enable the Concierge and add tiles

You must be a Global Administrator to create or edit Concierge settings. Learn more: Administrator access levels

  1. Navigate to Application setup > Concierge and tick Enable Concierge to enable the Concierge globally for your organization.
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  2. To add a tile, click Add tile to open the tile settings on the right and follow the steps below to create your tile.


  1. Choose if the tile status is Active (always on), Off, or Active between a specific timeframe. 
  2. Set the From and To dates if appropriate.

Tile details

  1. Tile name: Enter a name for the tile. This is the name that displays under the tile.
  2. Locations: From the drop-down, select the individual locations you want to display the tile, or select All locations to display the tile globally across your organization.
  3. Upload image: Upload an image for the tile. Either drag an image to the card or click browse images and select the image file from your directory.

Image requirements: Images must be either PNG or JPEG format, a maximum file size of 2MB, and include no spaces or special characters in the file name.

  1. Display on: Select whether the tile displays on the Condeco web app or the Condeco mobile app, or both.
  2. On web: When the tile is actioned from the web app, choose whether the URL opens in a new tab or a modal*. 
  3. On mobile: When the tile is actioned from a mobile device, choose whether the URL opens in a browser or in the Condeco mobile app (WebView).

Only use WebView for public links that do not require additional user authentication.

URL/URI configuration 

  1. Default URL: Enter the default URL to launch for all locations selected above, excluding any locations added to the location-specific list below.

Coming soon! Enter a Mailto: link to configure a tile to activate a prefilled email. Support for 'Mailto:' is expected in April 2025

  1. Android app URL/URI: Enter a specific URL/URIs for Android devices, if required.
  2. iOS app URL/URI: Enter a specific URL/URIs for iOS devices, if required.

A URL/URI entered for Android and/or iOS devices overrides the default URL and any location-specific URLs added below, when actioned from the Condeco mobile app.

If a URI is set, when the tile is tapped the mobile device attempts to open an app or redirects to the app store if the app is not installed.

  1. Add location-specific URLs: Enable if you want some of the selected locations to launch a different URL when this tile is actioned.
    1. Select the location from the drop-down list and enter the URL that you want to launch specifically for that location.
    2. Click Add another location to continue to add different URLs for specific locations.

Location-specific URLs are overridden by any URL/URI entered for Android and/or iOS devices above, when actioned from the Condeco mobile app

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Tile settings

  1. Click Save to save the tile settings. 

If the tile is set as Active, it is immediately displayed in the Concierge menu on the Today screen in the Condeco mobile app and Today page in the Condeco web app.