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Eptura Knowledge Center

Grid display

Choose the information to display for bookings on the booking grid for personal spaces and also change the size of the columns and rows. The refresh rate can also be set.

How to amend the Grid display for personal spaces

  1. Navigate to Application Setup > Groups.
  2. Select the Country and Group and select Personal spaces for the Resource Type.
  3. Select Grid display from Select an action drop-down menu.
  4. The Grid display form is displayed.
  5. Grid refresh rate: Enter the frequency in seconds for the grid to refresh on the server. We recommend leaving the default setting of 180 seconds.
  6. Column width: Enter the width of the cells in the personal space booking grid. The default is 50px.
  7. Row height: Enter the height of the cells in the personal space booking grid. The default is 50px.
  8. Grid Information: Tick the details to show for bookings on the booking grid.
  9. Click Save when done.