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Microsoft Exchange errors and help

Condeco Meeting Room Screen v2

Recommended checks

When configuring Condeco meeting room screens with the Microsoft Exchange calendar service, we recommend the following checks to ensure a successful integration.

Validate IP Allowlist

Check the domain allowlist for a list of qualified domains that must be allowed. Learn more about the domain allowlist

Validate authorization type
  1. Sign in to the Condeco Device Hub.
  2. Click Calendar Settings in the left icon bar.
  3. For Authentication, select as appropriate for your Exchange environment:
    1. Microsoft 365 connection: select OAuth.
    2. On-premise Exchange installation: select NTLM.

End-of-life notification for Basic AuthenticationMicrosoft announced support for basic authentication will be discontinued in October 2022. 

Learn more: Enable OAuth for the calendar service

Validate subscriptions

ErrMsg: ‘Can’t connect to the calendar. Attempting to retry’ 

A meeting room screen cannot connect to the Exchange calendar and displays the message Can’t connect to the calendar. Attempting to retry.


Why did this happen?

A common cause for this issue is an incomplete setup. When Android screens are configured with an Exchange calendar, during the setup process the screen may display the calendar screen rather than prompting for the mailbox/service account password, giving the impression that the configuration is complete. However, the password must be entered before the screen is used.

Check the table below for other causes and resolutions.

What to check
Why did this happen?
What to check
Incorrect or no password entered on meeting room screen. Check or reset the mailbox password in MS Exchange and enter the correct password on the meeting room screen. Passwords are case-sensitive.
Unable to connect to the Exchange Web Services (EWS) endpoint.
  1. Check the Exchange Web Services (EWS) URL on the Device Hub. See Setting up a Calendar Service. The EWS URL is case-sensitive.
  2. Check the EWS endpoint is accessible from the Wi-Fi or LAN network that the screen is connected to.
The mailbox name is incorrect. Check the mailbox name on the Device Hub. See Setting up Exchange Rooms

If the meeting room screen is still unable to connect to the Exchange calendar, we recommend using ewsEditor to help diagnose the problem.

ErrMsg: ‘No connection to Exchange. An error has occurred, please check your calendar service or mailbox details’

A meeting room screen displays the message: No connection to Exchange. An error has occurred, please check your calendar service or mailbox details.


What to check
Why did this happen?
What to check
The Service Account does not have delegate rights to the resource room mailbox. Check and apply delegate rights in Exchange:
  1. Login to Exchange as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to the room mailbox settings (Admin > Resources > Rooms & Equipment).
  3. Click Select delegates who can accept or decline booking requests and add the Service Account.
The Service Account password has been entered incorrectly. Check and re-enter the password. Passwords are case-sensitive.
Unable to connect to the Exchange Web Services (EWS) endpoint.
  1. Check the Exchange Web Services (EWS) URL on the Device Hub. See Setting up a Calendar Service. The EWS URL is case-sensitive.
  2. Check the EWS endpoint is accessible from the Wi-Fi or LAN network that the screen is connected to.
Incorrect mailbox name displayed on the meeting room screen. Check the mailbox name on the Device Hub. When saved, the new mailbox name will display on the screen. 

Eptura Room Screen v3

Recommended checks

When configuring Eptura room screens with the Microsoft Exchange calendar service, we recommend the following checks to ensure a successful integration.

Validate IP Allowlist

Check the domain allowlist for a list of qualified domains that must be allowed. Learn more about the domain allowlist

Validate authorization type
  1. Sign in to the Condeco Device Hub.
  2. Click Calendar Settings in the left icon bar.
  3. For Authentication, select OAuth-Delegate or OAuth app-only as appropriate.

oauth options.png

End-of-life notification for Basic AuthenticationMicrosoft announced support for basic authentication will be discontinued in October 2022. 

Learn more: Enable OAuth for the calendar service

Validate subscriptions

ErrMsg: 'There was a problem connecting to the calendar.'

A meeting room screen cannot connect to the Exchange calendar and displays the message There was a problem connecting to the calendar. Please contact your administrator.

prob connect cal.png

What to check
Why did this happen?
What to check
The Service Account does not have delegate rights to the resource room mailbox. Check and apply delegate rights in Exchange:
  1. Login to Exchange as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to the room mailbox settings (Admin > Resources > Rooms & Equipment).
  3. Click Select delegates who can accept or decline booking requests and add the Service Account.
Unable to connect to the Exchange Web Services (EWS) endpoint.
  1. Check the Exchange Web Services (EWS) URL on the Device Hub. See Setting up a Calendar Service. The EWS URL is case-sensitive.
  2. Check the EWS endpoint is accessible from the Wi-Fi or LAN network that the screen is connected to.
The mailbox name is incorrect. Check the mailbox name on the Device Hub. See Setting up Exchange Rooms

If the meeting room screen is still unable to connect to the Exchange calendar, we recommend using ewsEditor to help diagnose the problem.