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Eptura Knowledge Center

2023 September V3 Desk Booking Screen Product Release

Release v8.3.0

  • General availability:  Intelligent rollout begins 28 September 2023. Devices are updated in batches.
  • Version: Firmware version: 8.3.0


Microsoft has updated the security certificates used by the Azure IoT Hub and the Device Provisioning Service. To maintain connectivity, the firmware on all Condeco v3 Desk Booking Screens must be updated to version 8.3.0 by December 15, 2023.

This new firmware version contains the required certificate changes by Microsoft. Updating will ensure the ongoing functioning of your desk booking screens without interruption.

We will gradually roll out the firmware update using our intelligent update system to minimize disruption. Please ensure all v3 Desk Booking Screens are updated to version 8.3.0 before December 15, 2023, to avoid connectivity issues

These are the recommended steps:  

  1. Restart offline devices: We strongly advise restarting all offline v3 Desk Booking Screens to prepare for this essential update.  

  2. Ensure network connectivity: Verify that the screens are connected to your network for a seamless update process.  

For real-time device monitoring, use the Device Health Dashboard

Learn about Over-The-Air (OTA) updates 

For more details about the new Microsoft security certificates visit