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Eptura Knowledge Center

Create a group and set permissions

Before you start

Before creating a group you must create a location. Learn moreLocations

How to create a group

Duplicate an existing group: To start a new group with the same settings, email templates, and rules as an existing group, create a duplicate group. Learn more:  Create a duplicate group

Follow the steps to create or edit a group. 

  1. Navigate to Application Setup > Groups.
  2. Click the Specify a country drop-down and select the country for the new group.
  3. Click New Group.
  4. Refer to the table and complete the fields for the new group.
    Group fields
    Group Name Enter the name of the group.
    Type Select the type of resource(s) the group will manage – Meeting spaces/Personal spaces or Delivery Point.
    Group Mapping Contact Condeco support for further details and guidance on how to restrict user access to groups, utilizing SQL scripting along with Active Directory groups, or using the HR feeds tool.
  1. Default permissions: Define how users can interact with bookings. 
    Default permissions

    Can view


    Allow all users to view the group.

    If disabled, only users who are members of this group can view the resources.

    Make bookings


    Allow users to select and create a booking.

    If not enabled, the group is a 'restricted group' and the resources are only bookable by users who have been granted explicit permissions to the restricted group. Learn moreRestricted groups

    View other users’ bookings Allow users to view details of bookings created by others.
    Edit other users’ bookings Allow users to edit bookings created by others.
    Delete other users’ bookings Allow users to delete bookings created by others.
    Allow managed access to other admins Enables group administrators to manage bookings made by other administrators. (Not applicable for personal space resources).
    Hide meeting space name from user Hides meeting space names from search results, when booking a meeting space, and from the booking/advanced grids. (Not applicable for personal space resources).

  2. Search options: Enable or disable automatic allocation of personal spaces.
    Search options
    Prevent specific space requests Disables the Search and Floor plan options when booking personal spaces to prevent users from selecting a specific space. (Not applicable for meeting space resources). 
    Enable 'Quick book' button Displays the 'Quick book' button on the search tools. Allows the user to book an automatically allocated space. Cannot be disabled if 'Prevent specific space requests' is enabled. (Not applicable for meeting space resources).
  3. Click Save.