Make a booking from the Advanced Booking Grid
Follow the steps below to find and book a meeting space from the Advanced Booking Grid.
Select the date
Click the date at the top-right to reveal the calendar and click the date for the meeting, or use the left/right arrows to move through dates sequentially.
You may need to use the scroll bar on the grid to move the selected time slot.
Filter meeting spaces to display on the grid
To filter the meeting spaces displayed on the grid click Filter by meeting space feature. The number of meeting spaces matching the filter is indicated on the filter tab.
Use the drop-down lists to filter by Booking access, Meeting space type, and Workspace type. Click Show additional filters to select specific attributes.
Choose a meeting space
The spaces matching the filter are displayed on the left-hand side of the grid.
Hover over a meeting space to display more information about the space. The information displayed can be modified in advanced settings. Learn more about the ABG advanced settings
Click a meeting space to open a popup window displaying room attributes and other information.
Select the time slot and make the booking
To make a booking click the meeting start time in the meeting space’s row on the grid. The Make a Booking popup window opens.
Extend/reduce the time slot by dragging the time-slot bar.
To add an additional meeting space to the booking click Add more meeting spaces to return to the grid and select another space in the same time slot. The Make a Booking popup opens and both spaces are listed.
Click Finalise Booking to open the Booking Form.
Complete the meeting spaces booking form as normal. Learn more about the meeting space booking form