Visitor dashboard (Find a Visitor)
Can't see the Visitor dashboard?
- The Visitor Dashboard is only visible to administrators with Visitor Management access. Group administrators have additional visitor management features and can manage scheduled external meeting attendees, walk-in visitors, and visitors with personal space bookings. Learn more: Admin access levels
- The Condeco Visitor dashboard might also be hidden if your organization has integrated with Eptura Visitor (Proxyclick) and has set the 'Visitor Management System' setting in Global setup to 'Eptura Visitor'.
Learn more:
Find a Visitor (Visitor Dashboard)
You can search for visitors from the Visitors Dashboard and prepare for their visit (for example, to print out badges). The dashboard shows visitors attending meetings, external guests with personal space bookings, and ad-hoc visitors added manually.
- Click Visitors from the left navigation then click Visitors from the menu to open the Find a Visitor page.
- Use the location filters and search options to find the visitor(s) you want to manage.
- Click Find to display a list of visitors meeting the search criteria.
External visitors with a personal space booking are only listed on the Find a Visitor (Visitor Dashboard) when 'External personal space users on search' is enabled in Global setup > Visitors.
The following visitor management functions are discussed below:
- Mark visitors as ‘arrived’, print badges/passes, and notify the host.
- Display roll call.
- Search for canceled requests.
- Import visitors.
Mark visitors as ‘arrived’, print badges/passes, and notify the host
Mark individual visitors as ‘arrived’ or select multiple visitors to mark as ‘arrived’ at the same time.
Single visitors: To mark a single visitor as ‘arrived’, click Arrived next to their name. A pop-up window opens with the following options:
- Print Pass: Opens the print dialog window where you can print badges. (Your system administrator must have configured Condeco with your organization’s template for the passes/badges).
- No Pass Required: Mark visitors as ‘arrived’ without issuing passes/badges.
- Undo Arrived: Returns to the list of attendees and removes the ‘arrived’ status.
- Visitor Num: Enter a visitor number if applicable.
Multiple visitors: To mark multiple visitors as ‘arrived’ select the visitors from the list, then tick the Visitor button visible under the search fields. A pop-up window opens with the following options:
- Print Pass: Opens the print dialog window where you can print badges. (Your system administrator must have configured Condeco with your organization’s template for the passes/badges).
- No Pass Required Marks the selected visitors as ‘arrived’ without issuing passes/badges.
When you click Arrived a visitor arrival email is automatically sent to the Host (if the email notification is enabled).
Mark visitors as Collected / On Break / Departed
The options available depend on your organization’s global settings.
- Collected: Mark a visitor as collected.
- On Break: Use when a visitor leaves the building for a short period. When the visitor arrives back in the building click Off Break.
- Departed: Mark a visitor as ‘departed’ when they have left and are not returning the same day. Visitors marked as departed are no longer listed on the Roll Call.
Display a Roll Call
For fire/health and safety/audit purposes, you can display a list of visitors who are marked as ‘arrived’ but have not yet departed.
- Click Roll Call from the Find a Visitor page.
Search for visitors in canceled requests
At the top of the page, tick Include canceled requests to view a list of visitors who are no longer attending a meeting and were deleted by a user.
Import Visitors
Add a list of visitors in bulk for a meeting or event and assign them all to the same host, location, booking ID, etc.
Follow the steps to import visitors in bulk.
- In the Visitors module, click Home
- Click Advanced.
- Click Import Visitors.
- Click Example import Excel file to open a new template in Excel.
- Enter all your visitors’ information in the relevant columns. Do not add additional columns or amend the column names!
- Save the Excel file.
- On the Import Visitors page click Choose file and select the Excel file.
- Complete the remaining fields on the Import Visitors page.
- Click Import.
Condeco confirms the number of visitors imported.