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Eptura Knowledge Center

Webhooks and Notification service

Several key webhooks/notifications can be utilized via specific listener services to help build efficient and scalable integrations.

By using notifications services, customers can significantly reduce the number of API endpoint calls made to Condeco. Listener services automatically send notifications of certain data changes, which means endpoint calls are made only when necessary to update data held locally. All customers with access to the Condeco API can easily subscribe to these services.

The current list of available notification (webhooks) listener services:

Notification service Description
Meeting External Provides BookingID, resource ID and type of change e.g. new booking, booking updates e.g time/room change or when a booking is deleted.
MeetingProgession Provides Booking ID, resource ID and the type of progress (Start/Stop/Extend) and how it was progressed (Web/External).
Desk Provides desk BookingID, resource ID and type of change e.g. new booking, booking update or when deleted.
Deskprogression Provides Booking ID, resource ID and the type of progress (Start/Stop/Extend) and how it was progressed (Web or External).
Resource Provides resource (Desk or Meeting Room) information such as resource ID and changes to a resource such as updates, creation and delete.
Visitor Provides visitor information as they are created/added, updated, deleted, arrived, unarrived, departed or undeparted.