Move a booking
From the Condeco web app, click a booking from the Booking grid, the Personal spaces home page, or Your bookings, to open the booking details pop-up window. From here, you can move a booking to a different date or to a different person, and delete the booking. All bookings associated with the booking you selected are highlighted in blue.
Booking details popup - all dates associated with a booking are highlighted in blue
One booking for multiple dates: If you selected multiple dates when making a booking for a personal space, all the dates associated with the booking are highlighted in blue on the booking details pop-up window.
Move a booking to a different date
Bookings can only be moved to a different date from Condeco on the web.
- Open the booking from the web app - either from the Personal spaces home page, the Booking grid, or the Your bookings page.
- From the booking details pop-up window, click the booking in the calendar that you want to move.
- Now click the date you want to move the booking to.
- Click Update to update the booking and close the booking form.
Watch our Condeco user move a personal space booking (AM and PM) from one date to another
How to move a booking to someone else
Bookings can only be moved to someone else from Condeco on the web.
If multiple dates are associated with the same booking (highlighted in blue on the booking details pop-up) all associated bookings must move to the new person.
- Open the booking from the web app, either from the Personal spaces home page, the Booking grid, or the Your bookings page.
Be cautious of clicking dates in the booking details pop-up window – if any dates highlighted blue are deselected, those bookings are deleted when you click ‘Update’.
- Tick Booking for someone else? then click [Search] to the right of the First name field to open the User Lookup pop-up window. The name and company fields on the left of the booking form are intentionally disabled.
- User Lookup: Enter your colleague’s last and/or first name in the relevant box in the User Lookup popup window and click Search. Select your colleague’s name from the results list and click Select.
- The User Lookup window closes and your colleague’s name is displayed on the booking form.
- Click Update on the booking details pop-up to change the booking to the selected colleague (or visitor).
Why did my booking disappear? All dates associated with a booking are highlighted in blue on the booking details pop-up window. If you deselect a blue date and click ‘Update’ the booking for that date is deleted.