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Eptura Knowledge Center

Bookings Report

Condeco Analytics Advanced

The Bookings Report provides row-level information for all bookings meeting the criteria of the filtered parameters. To improve performance, the volume of data displayed is limited. 

To open the report, navigate to Analytics > Utilization & Trends from the module menu on the left and select the Bookings Report tab at the bottom of the screen.

da canvas 03 apr-24.png

The bookings report canvas can take longer to load because of the more granular data. 

Use the filters at the top to show the data by location, group, type of resource and/or workspace type, and by time frame. Learn more: Dashboard filters

Booking Report column definitions
  • Booking ID: Unique booking ID.
  • Booking Item ID: Booking item ID.
  • Title: The given name of a meeting space booking.
  • Resource Name: The name of the booked resource.
  • Group: The name of the group managing the booked resource's booking rules and access.
  • Location: The location where the booked resource is located.
  • Country: The country where the booked resource is located.
  • Region: The region where the booked resource is located.
  • Scheduled start day/time: The booking's start date and time as scheduled on the booking form.
  • Scheduled end day/time: The booking's end date and time as scheduled on the booking form.
  • VideoMeeting: Whether the booking is enabled for Zoom, Teams, Both, or None.
  • Has Services: Flagged 1 or 0. Booking with requested services = 1. Booking without requested services = 0 (zero).
  • HostName: The name of the booking host as noted on the booking form.
  • HostDepartment: The department the booking host belongs to.
  • RequestorName: The name of the booking requestor as noted on the booking form.
  • Requestor Department: The department the requestor belongs to.
  • No ClearDown: Flagged 1 or 0. Booking with no clean down required = 1. Booking with clean down required = 0.
  • Setup Time (in min): The number of minutes reserved before a booking for setting up the meeting space.
  • Actual start day/time: The date and time the booking was checked in.
  • Actual end day/time: The date and time the booking was checked out.
  • TotalAttendee: Total number of attendees as noted on the booking form. Includes internal and external attendees.
  • ExternalAttendee: Number of external attendees noted on the booking form.
  • Is Private: True/False flag. True - booking marked as private. False - booking not marked as private.
  • NoShow: True/False flag. True - booking was not checked in. False - booking was checked in.
  • TotalCost: Total cost of booking including VAT.
  • Cost Center: The cost center as noted on the booking form.

Use the normal PowerBI functionality to manipulate or export the data in the Resource Report.