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Eptura Knowledge Center

Export QR code values

QR Codes

How to export your QR code values

QR code values can be exported to a Microsoft Excel (.xls) or PDF file from the Reports module.

rep qr codes.png

  1. Navigate to Reports > Resources to view the resource reports.
  2. From the Standard Reports tab, scroll to the 'QR Code Report' and click Run / Edit.
  3. Optionally, filter the results by typing your requirements in the filter boxes under each column heading. For example, you can list only resources with an active QR code by typing ‘Yes’ in the QR Code Active? filter, or list resources for a particular group, etc.
  4. If you want to allow QR codes to be scanned directly with a device camera as well as from the Condeco mobile app, the QR code value must be preceded with the following URL: This QR code format is stored in the QRCodeWithURL field that can be added to the report:
    1. Click Show Field Selection Window to open the 'Field Selection' options.
    2. Select the 'Add' tick box for the QRCodeWithURL field.
    3. Click Modify to save the field selections and then close the 'Field Selection' box.
  5. Click Export to Excel or Export to PDF to export the filtered results to the file type of your choice.

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