Good to know
Read the recommendations and best practices, and peruse the FAQ.
Best practices and recommendations
- The username and email fields in Proxyclick must be of the same value. The primary identifier in Proxyclick is the Condeco username, however, if the Condeco username is not in an email format, the Condeco email field becomes the primary identifier in Proxyclick. Primary identifiers must be unique.
- Admin user permissions cannot be set in multiple Proxyclick locations in bulk because each Proxyclick location has a unique company ID and location ID. Therefore, to ensure the best performance and efficiency of the synchronization process, admin rights in Proxyclick are currently only granted to Condeco Global admins, and only to the Proxyclick location set as default in the Proxyclick SCIM. Admin rights to other Proxyclick locations, and/or for other Condeco user types (regular users, Location admins, etc.) must be applied manually by the Proxyclick Superuser.
- Existing users must be manually granted access to new locations added to the Proxyclick SCIM (if required).
- Users are only granted access to locations that are configured in the Proxyclick SCIM.
- The automated scheduler that maintains user and location information, is only activated after the initial synchronization is complete. It is scheduled to run every 24 hours.
- The initial synchronization process cannot be stopped once initiated by Condeco.
- Phone numbers in Condeco user profiles must be entered in standard international (E.164) format for a successful import to Proxyclick. Phone numbers not in E.164 format will not synchronize and the user phone number fields in Proxyclick are left blank. Phone numbers can be manually entered by users in their Proxyclick user profiles.
- Which Condeco users are created in Proxyclick by this process?
All active Condeco users are created in Proxyclick, including vendors.
- Are Condeco visitors created in Proxyclick?
No, visitors are simply stored as a contact in Condeco, they do not have active Condeco accounts.
- How does a new user sign in to Proxyclick?
New users are automatically sent an email with a one-click invitation to “Join your team on Proxyclick”. The user clicks the link and follows the prompts to join. When complete, they sign in to Proxyclick via SSO (if SSO is configured for the user in Condeco) or by entering their email address and password.
- What user account fields are synchronized to the user account in Proxyclick?
The following user fields are synchronized to Proxyclick: userName (if in email format); email (only if userName is not in email format); familyName; givenName; active; title; preferedLanguage; phoneNumbers; mobile.
- What location fields are synchronized to the location in Proxyclick?
The following location fields are synchronized to Proxyclick: Address; City; Name; CountryCode; Timezone; UserId; Modules (“VM”); PostalCode; Latitude; Longitude.
- What happens if synchronization fails for one or more users?
A scheduled fail-sync process runs once a day to reprocess any failures.