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View Neighborhood details in Space Desktop

Neighborhood information gives Space Planners a summary of the neighborhood's area and space types.

Navigate to the Neighborhood

  1. Navigate to Space > Space Desktop.
  2. The Mode icon at the upper right-hand corner will display in the Information Mode clipboard_ee5fd4e0a20ebf63b14c1f847cc517c5c.png.
  3. Navigate the floor.
  4. From the panel click the Neighborhood you want to view.


The panel displays the tabs Sections, Spaces, and Members.

View the Neighborhood Section on the Floor

If you want to know where the neighborhood section is on the floor, then in the panel, hover over the neighborhood section and it will highlight on the floor.

highlight a neighborhood.gif

Additionally, you can hide or show the neighborhood.

  1. Click the Show clipboard_ec77d4a15af8feefece4fec1b6b0ce1c2.png icon to hide the neighborhood section on the floor.
  2. Click the Hide clipboard_e9a10817fae73cdf51fc01c86ec65e4dc.png icon to show the neighborhood section on the floor.

View the Spaces

If you want to see the space names in a list, then click the Spaces tab.

View the Members

If you want to see the people who are associated with the neighborhood, click the Members tab.

View the Neighborhood's Statistics

The statistics can be displays, click the Information tab.


The target ratios can be updated, learn more in Update the Target Ratio.

Statistical Definitions

  • Spaces (Square Footage or Meters) - The total area of all p-lined spaces within the neighborhood or neighborhood section boundary.
  • Spaces - The total number of p-lined spaces (occupiable and non-occupiable) within the neighborhood or neighborhood section boundary.
  • Capacity - The total capacity of all p-lined occupiable spaces within the neighborhood or neighborhood section boundary.   
  • Members - The total number of users, both assigned and hybrid, that is assigned to the neighborhood or neighborhood section 
  • Me Spaces and We Spaces - The number of reservable spaces is not counted twice – these counts are found in the ‘unassigned’ totals.

Other Information

This section displays statistics for the ratios.


The Target Seating and Target Meeting ratios are based on occupancy and capacity. These statistics are calculated:

Target Seating planned occupancy / capacity​
Actual Seating actual occupancy / capacity
Target Meeting # conference seats / capacity
Actual Meeting # conference seats / occupancy​

The Actual Seating Ratio and Actual Meeting Ratio will reflect based on the target seating and meeting ratio. The ratio is visually represented by the dots next to the seating and meeting ratio. 

Green 0 to 90% of target ratio
Yellow 90 to 99% of target ratio
Red 100% or above target ratio

These statistics can be viewed from the Floor level or the Building level.

View the Target Ratio Statistics for the Floor

  1. Click the floor number. The statistics display for the floor.


View the Target Ratio Statistics for the Building

  1. Click the building. The statistics display for the building.
