Upcoming Changes for the Customer Blog
The Customer Blog will be undergoing several changes in the near future. It will be renamed App Updates and move from its current location to the Customer Portal.
However, before we moved the blog, we wanted to be sure you were aware of two helpful tips that will help you make a smooth transition.
Accessing the Customer Portal
For those of you that have not yet accessed the Customer Portal, you may do so through the iOffice application.
Once you log into your iOffice modules, there are currently two methods you can use to access the portal.
From the tiled main screen, select the drop-down where your user name is located, and click Help.
On the vertical toolbar on your home screen, click on your module, and then click Help and you will be dropped directly into the module you select.
The Customer Portal opens.
Select Knowledge Base > App Updates.
Subscribing to App Updates
In order to receive automatic notifications when a new blog post is added, you may subscribe to the App Updates section. To subscribe to all updates, go to the App Updates section and click the Page Notifications button in the top right of the screen:
This will then present you with the following options:
This page only will provide updates for the page you are currently on. If you select This page and all subpages, itallows you to receive all updates automatically.
If you have any questions, please call 713-526-1029, or send an e-mail to support@iofficecorp.com.
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