Add Room Type Codes in Space - 2017 June
Using a new field in the Admin module, you can now associate a room type code with rooms defined for the Space module. This new field allows you to enter room types consistent with the space planning organization of your choice, such as the General Services Administration (GSA) or the Open Standards Consortium for Real Estate (OSCRE).
To add a room type code to a room type, access the Admin→Space→Room Types screen and click the Edit button associated with the room type. The Edit Room Type window displays, where you can enter the room type code in the new Type Code field.
Note: Only experienced personnel should make changes to room types. For more information on defining room types, contact your Account Manager.
Once you have entered the type code for the room, click the OK button to close the Edit Room Type window. Then click the Save button on the Room Types screen to save your changes.
This enhancement can help you maintain room types in the iOFFICE application consistent with the building standard of your choosing, such as BOMA or OSCRE. If you have any questions, please call 713-526-1029 or send an email to